Anatoly Shary received on Friday, an "eternal" asylum in Lithuania and the EU. The man, whose misfortunes began a year ago in Kiev,in "McDonald's" that is near the Vozduhoflotsky bridge are over. And not just a misfortunes - but also a nightmare when every minute you think about will the cops put you to jail or not ended. Congratulations, Tolya!
But good times are always goes with something bad. His mother dead a month before the good news. News about her son was saved. She died in May. A son, who was on the run through because of the fault of former Interior Minister Mogilev, and could not come to her funeral.
Today's incident with Shariem - it is something out of the ordinary. Generaly Ukrainian journalists do not often get the polytical asylum. But this is not the most interesting thing.The fact is that now people who absolutely did not do anything to save Sharia from the punishment will find the advantages of this situation. Now these professional fighters for freedom will present the Shariem case as a weighty proof of the clamp freedom and authoritarianism in Yanukovych Ukraine, although Tolya didn’t have any problems with the Yanukovych regime. He had certain problems with the Kiev police.
Shary is not a political but a social journalist. In the circle of his professional interests included the investigation of drug pushing that were under the police control, the functioning of the clandestine gambling machines and casinos, out-of-date food which are often selling in our supermarkets, and so on.
I’ve already wrote, if you are a political journalist, you're protected, because the policy after the murder of Gongadze just afraid to communicate with someone. They are, in fact, living in the West do not want to have any problems, which will raise in the "Reporters without Borders", PACE, and even NATO. And who will protect a social journalist? Nobody. The "human rights" protectors will be intrested in his situation only if what was happened to him, will be a reason to talk about the horrible 'Donetsk bandits'.
The case of Shariem - is a spot on the "Stop Censorship!".
For stopt сensorship activists to picket Mezhyhirya, Yanukovych, Azarov is more important, than to help a journalist who wrote the dangerous material about the police. Therefore, for the "Stop Censorship!" better to picket Bankova.Guys, you should be called as a "political pickets organization" as you do not have anything in common with the protection of the rights of specific journalists .
"Stop Censorship!" refused to defend the because of Alyona Pritula, the owner of "Ukrainskaya Pravda". Last spring, Sharia published in the "Obozrevatel" article on "Ukrainskaya Pravda", from which the audience knew who are the founders of this online publication. That's a thing for what he wasn’t forgiven. Just like Alla Pugacheva is the mother of Russian pop music, Olena Prytula is the my mother of Ukrainian opposition journalism.
In addition, Toll has been opposed to the orange and the national-patriots, and "Stop Censorship!" 100% is made up of orange and national-patriotic comrades and, in fact, the organization aims to fight against the regime of Yanukovych.
And more. stopt сensorship activists, ultimately your goal - is politics, not journalism. It is proved by the way, by Andriy Shevchenko, who became a deputy of the active medium orange, and national-patriotic journalists.
While I know one thing - Shary wrote the truth about the police. Today he is a refugee and there is no one to protect.
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