Do they Moderate a Twitter?
This question can be answered already quite unequivocal "yes." Of course, the messages on Twitter are moderated virtually online; shlopotat you risk a very fast lock your account, if you even think of 20 readers to send spam or frank address advertising.
Hmm, take a look. If you believe the "Reporters without borders" - the results already, we can say quite interesting:
The official blog of Twitter (account "Tweets still must flow" \ Thursday, January 26, 2012) There were a statement that Twitter users willing to delete the messages in some countries that have "different ideas about the contours of freedom of speech." Thus, the above can only mean one thing - Twitter introduces censorship. One of the first statement on the Twitter administration reacted well-known Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei: "If censorship on Twitter begins, I will not write in it more tweets (messages)."
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This question can be answered already quite unequivocal "yes." Of course, the messages on Twitter are moderated virtually online; shlopotat you risk a very fast lock your account, if you even think of 20 readers to send spam or frank address advertising.

I should add that feature "Report Spam" can in some cases bring instant results (which is incredibly difficult to imagine, say, in the context of

But - at the beginning of 2012 the issue of censorship on Twitter has acquired a radically new color and sounded very different in tone, it is, strictly speaking, is not about moderation messages, and ... on censorship:
Millions of users around the world threatened by a one-day boycott (ANI News reported on 01.28.2012) and the denial of future use of the American social network Twitter at all. What are the causes of change in attitude to the "champion of freedom", it sounds like that slogan Twitter?
According to a number of Internet users and readers of media are only two reasons:
- Twitter has entered the "slippery road" censorship on the Internet;
- Twitter has created a precedent - had violated the civil rights of two people in the UK, passing the private correspondence available to the intelligence that initiated the ban on their right of entry to the United States.
The perturbation caused by users appeared December 26 in the blog Twitter account in which the company says about putting "geographic censorship": service will block some of the contents of the tweets in individual countries. This is explained by the need to comply with local regulations.
Hmm, take a look. If you believe the "Reporters without borders" - the results already, we can say quite interesting:

The official blog of Twitter (account "Tweets still must flow" \ Thursday, January 26, 2012) There were a statement that Twitter users willing to delete the messages in some countries that have "different ideas about the contours of freedom of speech." Thus, the above can only mean one thing - Twitter introduces censorship. One of the first statement on the Twitter administration reacted well-known Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei: "If censorship on Twitter begins, I will not write in it more tweets (messages)."
Well, wait and see ... In the meantime - here's a bit more for reference information. Impressive, is not it?
A. What is it controlled?

Two. How control is implemented?

Three. What are the declared reasons for control?

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