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First time on my blog "Unblock Blocked Site"? Learn more to Unblock Blocked Site with the help of different software.

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Each week you will get news related to the topic of blocked sites unblocking . I promise you, my dear reader! Or you will unsubscribe :-)

Firstly, look at my 7 ways to unblock blocked sites. You will like it.

KProxy works great with Facebook

This service helps many Internet users to keep privacy.

It works with facebook, gmail, etc. Https protocol is supported and downloads are allowed. You can always contact friendly support team if smth goes wrong with some website adn they will try to resolve this issue. I tried it out. It really works well. :-)

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Unblock Blocked Site with EN or DE anonymizer

Free service to unblock blocked sites using English or German IP address. This service works pretty fast and costs nothing :-)

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Unblock blocked site with fx Proxy

Here's one more online anonymizer or smth. like that, that can really help you to unblock blocked site for you.

It is easy to use - just insert the URL where you want to go and press "GO" button.

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Tutorial to Unblock blocked site

Video will teach you how you can unblock blocked site you can't access.

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How to unblock blocked proxy sites?

A lot of people are searching everyday new ways how to unblock blocked sites like, etc which are blocked by network administrator. In this case all proxy sites r blocked too. What to do?

One more tip of mine that I've used today to unblock them:

Go to the administrator account or check the control panel in your Internet options. You should find these blocked proxy sites. Just use them to unblock blocked site you want.

Easy and effective, doesn't it? :-)

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Use Anonymous Friend 2.9 to unblock blocked site

What is Anonymous Friend and how it can help me to unblock blocked site?

It is one of many unblock blocked site tools. It helps you hide IP to make you anonymous on the Web. With its help you are able to surf any site, forum or whatever without being traced by any webmaster, moderator or admin.

It uses different IPs form different countries that's why you can easily unblock blocked site situated in different countries.

Download Anonymous Friend 2.9

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Zilla Anonymous Surf - FREE and powerful unblock blocked site software

Just tested one software Zilla Anonymous Surf that is very awesome if you would like to unblock blocked site.

Download FREE Zilla Anonymous Surf to unblock blocked site

Software Review

It is a powerful, FREE of CHARGE but easy-to-use unblock blocked site software. It allows you to unblock any blocked site without being noticed.

3 main features of the programme:

1) Hiding your IP to unblock blocked site being invisible.

It makes you invisible for all servers where different websites are situated. BUT when you're are connected to it, your Internet speed is reduced. That's why use it when you really need to unblock blocked site.

2) Blocking ads and pictures with one click.

Just click "block images" when you see any ads or adult images and you'll never see them again.

3) No pop-ups

With this wonderful software you'll not see any pop-ups distracting you when you visit a site .

And a lot of other useful options and settings:

Zilla Anonymous Surf gives you a perfect opportunity not only to unblock blocked site fast and easy but also gives some more really helpful options as eliminating unwanted pop-ups and ads images wrapper. And all of these for FREE.

Brilliant unblock blocked site software for those who is in search of Free but still powerful application.

Download FREE Zilla Anonymous Surf to unblock blocked site

If you have any comments about this soft, use comment zone below to add some.

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German Anonymizer to unblock blocked site

Sorry for not writing you so much time, I was in my four month vocation :-)

I'm just kidding, I just was creating my new security software to unblock every blocked website, It's not ready yet, but I swear you that I will publish it as soon as it is ready.

For now, I want to present one more Free Online Anonymizer that can help you to visit German websites, eg. if you work in Germany but you decide to travel to China which blocks all Germany sites (Great China Firewall).

So, if you need to visit Germany websites or just want that website owners won't see your real IP, you can use this easy to use Free Online anonymizer to unblock every blocked website

URL address of this Anonymizer

Here's a screenshot of that website.

Just insert the URL which you want ti visit being invisible (i.e. your IP address will be changed to DE IP of that anonymizer IP:

From now on, I hope I will be writing more often adding new and new Free Anonymizers and software to unblock blocked site and not only :-)

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China blocks Twitter

In preparation for the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 4th, China authorities decided to close up the access to the most widespread social services such as:

- Blogger
- YouTube has been blocked in March of this year
- Wordpress
- Twitter
- Bing - Microsoft's new search engine
- many other social services

Sad to say, but a lot of young Chinese do not know nothing about the event of June 4th 1989. This is a problem for many business man and woman who are dealing with Internet.

As usual, I recommend you to Unblock Blcoked Sites with service as I always use it while visiting countries where Internet services are blocked.

Currently SmartHide works on USB Flash cards that is very convinient if you are traveling around the World.

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Use texttohex to unblock blocked site

Hello, dear readers. I had some issues with my job because of this fa***ing crisis. But I decided to come back to my favorite blog describing ways of blocked sites unblocking.
This issue became more important nowadays because a lot of people all over the world have lost their jobs and they are spending their time in the Internet.

And authorities block access for many sites that may help them to find a new job. How we may call them? F**ing a****les.

Sorry for such an introduction :-)

So, here's a trick:

1) Firstly you have to go to a webpage

2) Replace the text "Say hello to my little friend" with URL of a blocked site that you wish to unblock
3) Click the button "Convert".

4) Copy converted code and put in the browser address area and push "Enter" button.

After that you should see the webpage that you wanted to unblock.

This trick works only for one webpage, not for whole site. That is why you have to generate each page URL on your blocked site to access it.

As for me, I think this is very useful trick that may help you to access many blocked sites (to be correct - each blocked website page that is blocked)

Unblock blocked site and Enjoy!