Chinese authorities blocked all the programmes and services that allowed them to visit prohibited sites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. This was reported by the The New York Times (Chinese version of which is also blocked for users in China).

For a short period of time 3 more companies announced that their sites are also blocked. Chinese authorities advise all companies, which are interested in running their own business on the People's Republic of China territory to use private networks for the information transfers.
Several foreign Media experts notes that if this situation continues, all the informational agencies and bureaus that transfer news from Asia will have to move from Beijing to Tokyo.
We remind that there is a strict Internet censorship in China. All the sites are scanning on the existence of the key words, that are connected with the information about state security. Also there is a “blacklist” resources filtering. The country’s government blocked the access to portals which, according to its point of view, spread prohibited information promoting violence, pornography etc.
Each video will be published in the Internet only after being modernized.
From 2010 Chinese people, (due to the population) being the most numerous group of the Internet users, have lost the access to the Google search.
Beijing explains that this virtual policy is a measure that will secure mental health of the oncoming generation.
The Google search engine and other companies servers have been blocked on the whole territory of China on November 8 of the current year. The representatives of SecurityLab said that Google blocking had been coincide with the process of the Communist Party Congress were elected their new leaders.
The information about blocking was transferred by the Chinese on-line monitoring service GreatFire. According to the site’s information, the authorities of the country deprived users of visiting Google search, Google mail etc.
Such services like Google maps, Google Docs, Google Analytics, Google Drive had been also blocked.
“The Chinese government took a step up to the whole independent of their Internet from the global network”, - notes GreatFire. Analysts think that the reason of this blocking probably is connected with the fact that Google had been for a long time disputing with the Chinese government about the censorship in the cyber space.
“Izvestia” reminds that 2 years ago the Chinese government came into a conflict with Google, demanding of the company to block searches of certain words and transfer information about users (in specific cases). The American company rejection led to the the blocking of the Hon-Kong page.
The situation becoming more complicated due to the wide popularity of Google Android among Chinese users. According to the representatives of, this can lead to an undesirable for government effect - more Chinese Internet users will know about Internet censorship.
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