"Women exile " from a public space in Israel has reached new level: it is the first time when a large company, a manufacturer of table salt "Salit" began to remove a schematic image of a woman from the packages of his product, which for decades used to Israeli consumers (see photo below)

About female images on packages of salt censorship retell Jerusalem resident Brit Harel. The woman was shocked when her husband brought out a salt package from the ordinary not an ultra-orthodox shop , where instead of the usual modest ladies gaping was an empty white space.
There are a lot of cases of censorship female images in Jerusalem, but usually it is a "local initiative" of religious shopkeepers or publishers. The case was considered as extraordinary, because of religious censorship was engaged in a large enterprise, the group of companies related to Sheri Arison, - and censorship affected not random ads but the logo of the product to which consumers have long been accustomed.
Haaretz asked the company "Salit"to get the answer: the image of women eliminated only with those packages of salt, which will receive a special certificate of kashrut during the Pesach time. Bundles of common salt will be sold in its present form to them until BADATS will impose such strict requirements.
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